Announcing our Home Buyers Event!
Norman Morrow & Co. in Crumlin
1st September 2016

The summer is over (snif snif) and the schools are once again bustling with pupils, Autumn is fast approaching. Before you batten down the hatches and look forward to cosy evenings, spare a few hours to discover what your options are when searching for your first or next family home!
Norman Morrow & Co. are hosting a HOME BUYERS EVENT that will give free, independent advice on buying your next home in the South Antrim area. Buyers keen to investigate a move to the up and coming villages of Glenavy and Crumlin or those hoping to take advantage of the peaceful country lifestyle, should call in and have a chat with the experts!
In business for nearly 40 years, Norman Morrow & Co. is one of the longest established Estate Agents in the area. If there’s anyone knows South Antrim, it’s us! Whether it be through living or working in the area, we have the best local knowledge to help anyone with their move. Based on the Main Street in Crumlin, we offer services to Sellers and Buyers alike including free valuations for marketing purposes and Independent Financial Advice.
Call in between 5pm and 8pm on Thursday 29th September to see some of our showcased properties, perfect for first time buyers and home movers. On hand will also be our Independent Financial Advisor to discuss your individual needs and answer any questions you have about qualifying for a mortgage. Also available will be a representative from the Co-ownership Housing Scheme who can discuss the process and qualifying criteria. Financial resources are constantly changing, you could be surprised at the number of options available to you! Can’t attend? Give us a call and arrange another time!
We look forward to seeing you!